Looking to earn some cash?

Earn cash while having fun doing your job! We are looking to hire some new recruits to start immediately, click the apply now button below to request an interview.

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Years of Sales


If you’re looking for reliable job, fill out the application to the right and one of our agents will call you for an interview.
If you’re looking for reliable job, fill out the application below and one of our agents will call you for an interview.

Are you looking to earn some cash?

Sales & Cash is looking to hire some new recruits for the summer. Earn cash while having fun doing your job. Fill out the form to the right to get started!

Do you want to travel nationwide?

Do you like to travel? We usually spend our winters in Florida or California and the rest of the year in cities like NYC, Atlanta, Philly, Dallas & Chicago.

Do you want to meet new people?

You'll be working at the right place. We typically have over 50 people traveling with us at all times. Join Sales & Cash and become part of our growing family.

Are you at least 18 years of age?

Due to national and state laws applicants must be at least 18 years old. If you are turning 18 soon you can still fill out an application to get the ball rolling.

Check out our latest ad, click image to view full version.
Sales&Cash Flyer

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Our agents are standing by locked & loaded

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